A Daring Way workshop
The workshop
Kristen Caron
Licensed Professional Counselor
and Daring Way Certified Facilitator
We offer a sliding fee scale based on what you can pay:
$122 sliding scale level
$133 sustaining level
$144 supporting others level
"Your Wholehearted New Year! Embracing
Courage, Creativity, and Connection"
A Daring Way™ Workshop by Kristen Caron, Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Daring Way Facilitator January 28, 2023 from 10AM – 4:30PM
at The ONE Center.
You’ve heard about her and probably listened to more than one of her podcasts. Maybe you’ve even read a book by Brené Brown. “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” What she tells us resonates deeply within. Many of us are searching for ways to own our story and accept ourselves more fully, more authentically, more wholeheartedly. But how do we do it? How do we follow this Daring Way™ to live our lives more fully? How do we cultivate courage to overcome fear, shame and doubt? Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator Kristen Caron guides the way. She blends elements from Brown’s Daring Greatly™ and Gifts of Imperfection™ curricula introducing new tools and practices to overcome FEAR (false-evidence-appearing-real) and begin living our one True Life.
We start the day setting an intention to cultivate warm-hearted acceptance, learning about courage and vulnerability, and then rumble with the seven elements of trust. We move on to clarify values which will serve as lights to guide us through the year ahead, anchoring us when inevitable challenges arise. The day is designed to be highly experiential and include expressive art activities fostering the emergence of courage, authenticity, self-compassion, gratitude, joy, play, rest, and calm…guideposts for a wholehearted year and a wholehearted you.
All art supplies needed for the workshop are provided. Bring a delicious, nourishing lunch for yourself to enjoy inside the cozy ONE Center, in the beautiful forest, or by magical Gallagher Cove on the South Salish Sea.
We look forward to co-creating a wonderful day with you preparing to live a whole hearted New Year!